I am Paul FanMin
I am a fine art photographer, and I'm doing photography for my joy.
Born and raised in Hong Kong. At the age of sixteen, I move to Toronto, Canada to further my education then enrolled at Ontario College of Art to receive my art training. Gain my photography skill in New York City while working in studios with top-notch New York photographers as a photo assistant. I had worked in cities like New York, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taipei in my earlier career with the international advertising agency. I have had my own film production house in Taiwan, direct and filming TV commercial and music videos.
After twenty years of my photography career, I venture in trading and manufacturing business by chance, design and produce merchandise supply to American mass merchants like Home Depot, Lowe's, Walmart, Hobby Lobby and Kmart for another 20 years before my retirement.
Currently, I'm passionate about fine art photography. Travel worldwide to hunt for my subjects.
Sincerely believe that what I do can have a lasting impact on the lives of my works and I've been very lucky to have met so many great peoples as the years have come and gone, I'm based in Kaohsiung City of Taiwan and I travel anywhere and everywhere for photo trip whether in this country or another.
從事專業攝影二十多年, 在世界各地從事廣告攝影工作
2015 年退休並專心於純藝術攝影
畢業於 加拿大 多倫多 安大略藝術學院 Ontario College of Art
台灣電影 "牡丹鳥" 攝影指導 獲提名台灣金馬獎 "最佳攝影" 獎
香港浸會書院 (現升格浸會大學), 商業攝影課程講師
新加坡國立大學, 商業攝影課程講師